Step 1: Registration of your personal Personal Area is easy. Just click on the "Registration" button on the main page or follow this link to register as a trader or this link to register as a partner.
A password must contain from 6 to 15 symbols including lowercase and uppercase Latin characters (A-Z, a-z) and digits (0-9). Note that symbols such symbols as !"#$%& and spaces cannot be used.
A password example: yS22Fr45
Once it is done, click "Register" for the Trader account,
or "Become a partner" for the Partner account.
It is possible to be a Trader and a Partner at the same time and you can open a Partner Account anytime in your Personal Area and vice versa.
Step 3: Congratulations! You have successfully registered your Personal Area and the Trading Account is opened automatically.
Note that the credentials for accessing your Trading Account are sent to your email address.